Saturday, October 14, 2006

Free Bio93 Tutoring

Wish you had another opportunity to go over class material? Want to find out what it's like to be an upper-division Bio student at UCI? Check out the office hours of the BioSci Peer Tutors for Bio 93. Serena, Tanvi, Saif and Edward attend Dr. O'Dowd's lectures and hold free office hours for two hours each week. They also have review sessions before each exam! Check out their worksheets and office hours here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is sort of strange, having to write on my professor's blog but it also has its own crazy appeal. Having extra material to help us out and making it very easy and accessible is fantastic! Definitely a strange but groovy idea.

-Terrence (Terry) Chit
(Friday Disscussion @ 2:00-2:50)